Sunday, July 31, 2011

Defined Gorontalo endemic status

Veterinarians in Plantation and Animal Husbandry Department (Disbunnak) Gorontalo province, DVM Fenny Rumporok, Tuesday (04/05/2011) revealed, endemic status determined after cases of bird flu found in two other districts, namely Boalemo and Bone Bolango.

"Thus, now there are three districts and one municipality that tested positive for H5N1, namely Kabupaten Gorontalo, Boalemo, Bone Bolango and Gorontalo City," he said.

Two other districts, Pohuwato which borders North Central Sulawesi and Gorontalo, which borders North Sulawesi, has yet to give a report related to the poultry disease.

He added that so far also have been no reports of their respective communities and local government, the existence of transmission to humans.

It had culled thousands of chickens infected cattle H5N1 virus, in regions affected.

Goronyalo provincial government will also soon make the communication, information and education-related diseases that can infect the human body.

"Socialization will be done by installing billboards in strategic places, and distribute leaflets in every area, we also utilize the mass media," he said.

Closed Poultry Industry in Indonesia
National poultry industry requested more open about bird flu cases. Until now, cases of bird flu were reported more than farm people. In fact, the openness of the industry is needed to speed up the handling.
According Mangku Sitepu, a former member of the Expert Panel and the National Avian Influenza Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (Komnas FBPI) as well as physicians and veterinarians, to date there has been no disclosure of the poultry industry.
Back when the first cases of bird flu, there are serious handling. All the vaccinated workers. However, now no longer visible. "Poultry industry has never reported a case of dead or sick chickens. During this reporting only the people. We've heard from their baseball, "he said.
Mangku states, openness is needed. "We have to know how many chickens that died how much pain and how that has been vaccinated. OIE also recommends a monthly report, "he said.
Responding, the Chairman of the Joint Food Companies Livestock (GPMT) Sudirman said, when the outbreak at the farm, had itself carried out the destruction. Because, if allowed, would be detrimental. If that happens to people's farms, very sorry.
"The report was supposed to do. Moreover, transmission of bird flu virus is no longer a disgrace, in Indonesia is endemic. In other countries, like Japan, South Korea, and European countries and Latin America, Bangladesh, are also taxable, "he said.
When there PBPI Commission, there is good coordination. That should be followed. Moreover, the threat still exists, despite the public's understanding is getting better. "Therefore, we should once again revitalization of existing agencies. There used to be a grant, both from FAO, the United States through USAID, and NGOs from abroad. Now the fund is reduced, "he said.
Poultry industry, said Sudirman, was pretty open because it proved the government there are people who go into the nursery industry to conduct an audit since 2003/2004.
Related cases in Gorontalo, Fenny Rumporok, one veterinarian at Plantation and Animal Husbandry Department Gorontalo province, said that until now has not been available bird flu vaccine in Gorontalo.
From Bandung reported, poultry in Bandung Regency, West Java, after the bird flu be vaccinated, immunity show number reached 70 percent. The rest will be re-vaccinated to prevent the recurrence of bird flu cases spread in that place.


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