Saturday, August 6, 2011


Gumboro Disease, also known as Infectious bursitis of Infectious Disease Scholarship (IBD) called, is caused by the Gumboro virus. The disease can be clinical or subclinical course and caused much damage in both cases.
SymptomsA couple has affected general illness with a watery, slimy stools white (by uraatbijmenging). In a torque-sensitive, the whole flock suddenly attacked and lead to death. Although the literature indicates that clinical (visible) infections are not common in animals less than three weeks, we see in practice, often at an earlier stage clinical infections. The earliest infection was determined at the age of 9 days.
CauseThe disease is caused by the Gumborovirus, also known as Infectious Disease Scholarship virus (IBD) called. Natural infection occurs by uptake of the virus through the beak / mouth (oral route). The virus was 5 hours after infection to demonstrate in cells of the small intestine and liver. A strong virus replication occurs in the bursa of Fabricius from 11 hours after infection. The main host for the IBD virus (IBDV) is the chicken, continue his regular natural infections in turkeys and ducks. For pheasants and ostriches, the IBD virus is isolated, quail may also be sensitive. The disease occurs worldwide.
IBD has two serotypes: serotype 1 and serotype is the most important causes disease in chickens, serotype 2 is found in chicken, turkey and duck, but is not pathogenic. Within the serotype 1, the so-called variant IBD viruses' for. These cause many problems in the USA. Within a serotype, a further subdivision into groups as possible. This is done based on differences in amino acid sequence. The groups with modern DNA techniques to map. The virus has an incubation period of 2 to 3 days.
Infection RouteVirus Spread within a flock is through direct and indirect contact. The manure is the main source of dust stain. Infected animals secreted up to two weeks after infection with the virus much manure. Transmission through the air (aero gene transmission) plays no role. There is no evidence of transmission through hatching (vertical transmission). Also, we do not know 'carriers'.The virus is highly resistant, thus IBD problem once infected premises may remain long. After removal of an IBD-infected flocks remains the loft for at least 122 days infectious, water, feed and manure samples from a contaminated pen after 52 days still infectious. IBD virus includes sensitive to chloramine disinfection with 2% (Halamid), formalin and glutaraldehyde.
Between companiesSpread to other firms takes place through people, animals or contaminated materials. Because of the resistant nature of the indirect transfer easily find Gumborovirus place. Wild birds, rodents and polystyrene beetles can transmit the virus to other couples and / or companies. The virus can survive for long in manure. Contaminated manure near businesses is a clear risk factor.


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